October 12-16: The film was not accepted as a finalist for the Planet in Focus competition, but they are including the film in their Green Market this year during the festival. This means that industry delegates can ask to see the DVD on a computer that they provide during the festival.
October 15 (event Oct 13-17): The film will be shown in El Salvador at Sustainable Harvest Coffee Importer’s
annual event. This annual training event brings together hundreds of specialty coffee suppliers, roasters, financiers, and others to learn from one another. It will be shown in Spanish and the new version will be added to the AftertheHarvest.org website
October 29 (event Oct 27-30): Southern Appalachian Film Festival is showing and judging the film in this festival located in Greensville and Knoxville, TN.
November 3-5: Middle East Coffee and Tea Convention in Dubai, “Middle East Premiere.”